5. Adaptation

Examples of existing adaptation processes: 


A list could be also found under CIPRA's webpage


ClimAlpTour - Climate change and its impact on tourism in the Alpine Space

The climalptour project focuses on the Alpine space, where the effects of climate change could be stronger. Furthermore, the project considers winter tourism resorts as the focus of its studies. The main objective of the project is to make Alpine centers an interesting destination in all seasons and to increase their potential even if snow is lacking. All the ClimAlpTour Partners are working together to find out concrete adaptation strategies that can be used by civil services and stakeholders to face this new situation and to go beyond the traditional vision of winter sports. Furthermore, Partners wish to raise the consciousness  among   citizens, businessmen and, above all, policymakers on the possible changes of the climate and  to identify the most appropriate strategies and to act on a timely basis and on valid information. The project will deliver a powerful computer- based tool able to provide to all interested parties customized adaptation strategies based on information referring to every specific site.'


In Switzerland, three case study regions are considered: Aletsch, Heidiland-Pizol and Silvaplana.


Climate change adaptation in mountain regions - the example of the Saastal 

This study was carried out in the valley of Saas because of its geographic location, its economic structure, its society conditions, and also because of the interest shown by local autorities and population. The valley is formed by four communes: Saas-Almagell, Saas-Balen, Saas-Fee et Saas-Grund.  The idea of the project was to analyse the effects of climate change in the valley on four important sectors: (1) water, (2) living space/infrastructures, (3) biodiversity, (4) tourism. Each of these sectors was analysed in a sub-project. The study shows where action is needed in the valley and the adaptation possibilities. In conclusion, it develops recommendations for the future development of the valley, taking climate change into account. 

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