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4.4 Similarities among regions
Cluster analysis (CA) and Multictiteria Analysis(MCA) were carried out in order to assess if similarities exist between regions, both in terms of exposure and sensitivity. A general cluster analysis for vulnerability will be carried out once adaptive capacity is better assessed.
[See the results of the cluster analysis here]
Cluster Analysis for exposure shows a clear distinction between types of regions. A subdivision in seven classes indicates a good differentiation between lowlands (in blue in the image), border Alps (soft green), and central Alps (dark green). Lake Geneva Region - Jura and The Pre-Alps - Les Paccots (brown), Uri and Brig-Belalp (violet), and the Rheintal (yellow) shows specific patterns.
A closer analysis (see the clusters) indicates a further distinction between regions with different characteristics. Lowlands (left group in the cluster analysis) shows markedly different patterns than high mountain regions (right group in the CA). Lake regions (in blue in the CA) have a similar exposure (2-4 : Thurgau-Bodensee and 13-1: Geneva Region could also be considered as lakes regions). As also Prealps regions (in green in the CA), which form a cluster. Jura regions (in light brown) and cities (in black) are less homogeneous. The Rheintal shows specific patterns
Figure 2: The three groups emerged from the cluster analysis for sensitivity
[See the results of the cluster analysis here]
Concerning sensitivity, this distinction between types of regions is less obvious. Lake regions, cities regions, etc do not form distinct clusters. The clustering follows different patterns, and is more dependent on geographic areas. 3 groups can be distinguished (from the left to the right in the cluster analysis): 1/ lowlands in the PreAlps and Ticino (in blue in the image); 2/ Alpine and Jura regions (in soft green in the image), and (3/) Vallais, the Bernese Alps and Graubunden high mountains and highly tourism-dependent regions (in violet).
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