Hd studio
Fanost Antoine
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24-09-09     assignement 1     Sheet of paper




Beginnig with a sheet of paper:

    - bend
    - curve
    - cut
    - stick
    - evolue

With all of it, you can imagine billion of form, function because you model the layer following this imagination.

There is no limits.

At the end, with the form:

    - fluidity
    - space
    - function
    - lightness
    - form

The form makes you feel. It creates sensations, nobody can stay indiferent in front of a form like these one.
You can like or nat but it makes you think about it.


Question, theme, interest:

    - intimacy
    - flexibility
    - frontier
    - lose of marker
    - strucure

With this kind of form, there is no  function. It means that the floor just moves and become a wall or a roof.
All the logical of the structure is changed. indeed, all the surface have to be the structure because there is no ground, no wall.
Such a form make people intersted because it isn’t conventional.
The visitor loses his traditional marker of living because the function may be the form or the opposite.

