Hd studio
Feihl Nicolas
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weekFive [] 

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weekThree [] Research Revision


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weekTwo [] Method

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weekOne [] select a formal language



a bit of Tension


Tensile structures are fabric are fabric or apparented materials put in tension conditons.



Historically we find them as tents. These archaic shapes are still in use nowadays as they are lightweight.


Nizhny Novogorod Fair

The big step in the comprehension of this type of structure was made in the late nineteenth century by a russian engineer called Vladimir Shukhov.



He constructed eight pavilions for the Nizhny Novgorod Fair and one of them was the first tensile steel gridshell to be calculated. He developed practical solutions to calculate membranes.

But the democratization of tensile comes not until the latter twentieth.


RIse of the tensile structures

Otto Frei is the best known pioneer with his famous Munich Olympisch Stadion.

a recent exemple is the millennium dome London.



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