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If these procedures are done on a personal computer you have to use VPN while doing the following steps!!!

0) Only staff have right to access to the distribution
Students need to use the students version
Please contact Ali Djelassi <> to get the right to acces to the distribution

1) Uninstall previous versions
Uninstall previous versions of ProE/ProM. Use the "Add Remove Programs" utility under "Start->Control Panel".

2) Map the network drives

For ProEngineer we need 2 mapped drives

  1. I: on \\\app\cad\ptc\proengineer\wildfire4\win for installation purpose only
  2. P: on \\\proe needed for running application : Check the boxes  "Reconnect at logon" and "Connect using different credentials" in order to have always access to librairies and help files.

Both need your Active Directory credential. If you are logged with your Active Directory account, you are already accredited.

 There are two possibilities :

  1. For person who wants to join the AD domain (WILL NOT WORK FOR PRIVATE PC), see with your IT administrator if you have the right to do that. Click here and search the administrator of your unit then ask him to add your PC into the domain.
  2. For person who dont want to join the AD domain you have to reenter your password at each logon

3) Installation and configuration

Three versions of pro/ENGINEER & pro/MECHANICA are currently available. Normally you will need to install only one version. Keep in mind that once a file was opened with Wildfire 4 it is impossible to reopen it with ProE 2001. The same holds for a file opened with Wildfire 1 and ProE 2001.

Problems with Pro/MECHANICA (2001, Wildfire 1 and Wildfire 2).
If your software was installed before the 14th December you might experience license problems. Simply open your promechanica\bin folder (Wildfire 2: C:\Program Files\mechWildfire 2.0\bin, Wildfire 1: C:\Program Files\promechWildfire\bin, 2001: C:\Program Files\promech2001\bin). Launch ?ptcsetup.exe?, click ?Next? until you reach a page with several checkboxes, one should be ?License configuration? (or something close to it, depending the version you are using). Then simply click ?Next? until you reach the ?Configure?/?Install? button, which you click. That should fix the problem.

Missing compenent problem when opening old assemblies
If your software was installed before the 15th December you might experience this problem. Open P:\ and launch the configuration script again (ProE 2001: config_ProE2001.bat, Wildfire 1: config_ProE_&_ProM_wildfire.bat, Wildfire 2: config_ProE_Wildfire2.bat).

Using Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA At Home
If you wish to use ProE/ProM at home you will need to configure the VPN client on your PC (VPN).
- launch the VPN client
- go through section 1
- complete section 2.2 (some firewalls cause problems configure them properly or disconnect them)
- install and configure ProE
- you will need to reconnect the VPN client at every reboot

If you want to work independently from the EPFL network you can obtain a student version of Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA from COMSOL SA.

Small help for installing the libraries at home
First install your version of ProE as described above, or any other way that works.
Then launch the configuration script (this will copy the needed files in your local computer, more precisely in "C:\program files\YOURPROEVERSION\text". It is important that you install ProE in the RIGHT folder, otherwise the configuration will not work.
Now copy ALL the "P:\config" folder to your local computer, let's say "C:\PROE". You will thus have something like "C:\PROE\config"
Now comes the tricky part. Open the folder "C:\program files\YOURPROEVERSION\text". Locate the file named "". Replace all the links from "P:\config\..." to "C:\PROE\config\...". This can easily be done by using wordpad and the function search replace. Repeat the same operation for the file "" that is located at the same place.
Finaly launch ProE. You should have access to all the libraries without beeing connected to the network.

Installing ProE/ProM with Linux
Open P:\cdProeLINUX
Select the version of ProE you want to install (2001 doesn't exist under Linux) . CSH is needed!
The following hints might help when installing Proengineer:
- the package libmotif3 needs to be installed, it is used for the GUI.
- the package portmap has to be installed and the daemon has to be running (automatic once installed).
- if the system has a local unicode (*.UTF-8), ProE won't work. Another local has to be launched, for instance "LANG = en proe".
- the configuration ".bat" won't work under Linux. Copy all the files contained in P:\config\configs to C:\YOUR_PROE_INSTALL_PATH\text.
